What’s the best way to keep Gen-Z employees engaged?

2 min readMay 30, 2021

Like with different generations, there will gap in values and mindsets, without understanding each other, disputes will arise.

The next decade will be shaped by the influence of the largest generational cohort in history — Gen-Z. This cohort, born from 1997 onwards, now makes up 30 percent of the global population or around two billion people. Gen-Z’s fundamental commonality lies in how they thrive in the digital age. Compared with their predecessors, this generation will likely bring very different assumptions and uncompromising expectations related to society. Therefore, companies and business leaders are now facing the challenge to engage, collaborate and retain these post-millennial stubborn employees.

Tech companies in USA, have developed the ‘ideal office’ to be in this generation. They provide an office environment that is spacious, resourceful, fun and most importantly — a schedule that is flexible. Flexibility is one of the most important attractions for the Gen-Z generation when they are looking for a job, which is sometimes more important than how they earn. The Covid-19 pandemic created a new normal and has proven that employees can perform their regular job duties remotely online or at home. Having flexibility in terms of work location and work hours, or even a flexible unlimited annual leave plan to ensure a better work-life balance is something that will attract Gen-Z employees.

Everyone wants to work with a team that is driven, communicative and reliable. The reality is that certain things take time, whether it’s building trust, working out the right team dynamic or understanding each and every team’s strengths and weaknesses. Have your team’s back so that they have yours. As the well-known proverb goes, “if you want to go far, go together”.




International Relations and International Business Graduate, Hong Kong Citizen, Traveler of the World